A Vibration of Energy Taking Us Beyond the 21st Century

TESTIMONIAL - Cheryll Pitman

In December 2006 I was desperately trying to get an appointment with my Skin Specialist but neither could see me in the Public or Private System. And the Specialist were getting to the stage of not knowing what to do with me next.

I often watch C.T.V and had seen Robin of Aquarian Healing and wondered if I should take the chance and see her as my skin was getting worse especially on my face.

I was feeling unhappy and trying to cover my face with steroid creams and makeup but it was just getting redder and thicker and scalier.

I finally plucked up the courage to ring Robin, I asked her many questions and then after a long talk made my first appointment. Nervous and unsure if this was going to be yet another waste of money I went to see Robin at Aquarian Healing who immediately made me very welcome.

We talked about my medical history and then started my diagnosis and treatments. I had muscle testing and quite a few different problemswere found. Rboin suggested treatments in these areas which I agreed to and I took two products home with me - Lomalux for psoriasis and an antioxidant - plus the healing treatments from Robin. I went home feeling very optimistic but I did look up most the things we had discussed on the internet.

I had another treatment one week later on the areas Robin had found and continued taking the products Robin recommended daily. It is now February 2007 just over 8 weeks since I have seen Robin. I have had one bottle of Lomalux and not even halfway through my next and the improvement in my face and body is amazing. It did get worse get even redder and was flaking all over my face as Robin saidit would, but after a fortnight slowly but surely I noticed a big change.

I haven't used any of my prescription products on my face or body since I first saw Robin and every morning my face seems to be getting lighter and less scaly. I am feeling more confident and worrying less about my face. My husband and children can't believe the change in my skin since December 2006.

I am glad I took a chance and went to see Robin, she has done more for me in 8 weeks than the Skin Specialist have done in over then year of steroids and other treatments.

Thank you Robin and Aquarian Healing, you are amazing.